You might also know these scriptures Luke 1:46-55 as being referred to as Mary’s Song, or even Canticle of Mary. A canticle by definition would be  a hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service. Luke is the only one to call our attention to Mary’s song. Elizabeth, who at this moment is with child wonders aloud ‘how it could be that Mary, the mother of my Lord comes to me’. (1 Luke 1:43). Even though the Angel of God had spoken to Mary, she was still overwhelmed by Elizabeth’s welcome and the Spirit leads her to this extraordinary song of praise…for which we can thank Luke for sharing with us. It can be heard in Catholic services as well as Lutheran and Anglican. Her song has been copied into the Book of Common Prayer and for most Protestant churches, is sung during the Advent season. The Magnificat is steeped in the Old Testament; and is closely related to Hannah’s song of praise in 1 Samuel 2 :1-10.

A closer look at these verses reveals some things we may have overlooked or truly not understood. Consider these three points of thought. From verse 51…“He scatters the proud in the plans of their hearts.” One of the things that dies first in the life of a Christian is pride. We see ourselves as being usually above others and things but when we set our lives beside that of Christ, the last remnants of pride will leave us. As we continue on we see that this comparison of our life to Christ’s life enables us to see our life as it is…warts and all. This view humbles us and the moral revolution has begun. In verse 52 we read that God has cast down the mighty and lifted up the lowly. A social revolution is beginning because with this Christianity we see the failings of labels and prestige. It is no secret that at times we turn from people, considering them as useless, not so with God. We have only to remember what Christ did for us…we can no longer regard anyone to be beneath us… ‘Call no man worthless for whom Christ died.’ Lastly in verse 53 there is shown to us an Economic Revolution. We have become an acquisitive society, the more we have the more we want. Christian’s should never be comfortable as long as there are those who have less. We who have much…owe much. 

 “There is loveliness in the Magnificat but in that loveliness there is dynamite. Christianity brings about a revolution in individuals and revolution in the world.” (William Barclay DBS)


We are so fortunate in this digital age to have a world of information available to us. I want to acknowledge two sources of today’s blog. William Barclay’s Daily Bible Studies and a wonderful article by Ashley Hooker, that link is below.

How wonderful is God’s word…same yesterday and today…Even after all this time it is the standard by which we as Christians should live. The word of God provides for this world a stability that is desperately needed. I am just a layman that has found comfort and peace in the word and every time I come to the keyboard to write this blog I am grateful for this unique way to share the word…I remain a simple man blessed by my God and grateful for those who have shared their faith over the years. Come back next week and join us here in the Pew. 

Life is Good
